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Prevent Bullying with School Thankfulness Challenge

Jan 27, 2020
Maybe we should do something after Thanksgiving. We give so much attention before Thanksgiving, but here is a quick Challenge you can do at a school or organization to help you prevent bullying and make happier students and teachers. 
I always try to remember to be thankful well after Thanksgiving. I am creating a social media challenge to thousands of students that follow me on Instagram @jmedinaspeaks
I first want to say Thank You for being a Leader in Education! I was just in a presentation and one of the other speakers (Ronnie Cabrera) shared this classic video.
The Runner finishes the race because of the help he receives. I know many students would not finish their educational race without the help of their educators. Thank you for Helping these students finish the race. 
5 Day Thankfulness Challenge
Ask each student to do 5day challenge and write down 1 thing each day.
  1. Write Name of Teacher or an action any educator has done for them.
  2. Write Name of Family member or an action family member has done for them.
  3. Write Name of a Friend or an action friend has done for them. 
  4. Write opportunity they are thankful to have coming up.
  5. Write down anything they are thankful for today.
Bonus: Ask them to post on social media, text the family member, use school district Hashtags. 
Bonus: Make a wall of the papers written on for the Staff to show the staff the thankfulness. 

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