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Top School Speakers Jonathan Medina
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GEAR UP week is always one of the most requested dates for our team. This year we will be working with nearly 50,000 students in Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Washington, Indiana with more still asking to join the National GEAR UP Week Tour!
We have spent the last few years asking Directors & Coordinators for what they do to plan for GEAR UP Week. We have been going on everyone's websites taking notes. We have been looking at everyone's Social...
Keeping a Teacher is so important. As I have been working with schools across the US many leaders have talked about what they have been doing to keep staff especially teachers. This framework for self-care has been taken from best practices and research nationwide.
1 New Teacher = $20,000+ on Average recruiting, training, supporting.
Pleasure and satisfaction ratings are very important in keeping a school, team, staff. Studies show higher...
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Jonathan Medina "America's #1 Youth Motivator" (00:01): Leadership leadership leadership success, success, success. Hi, my name is Jonathan Medina. I'm America's number one, youth motivator. I'm your teacher. I'm your coach. I'm your friend. And I'm your teammate today. We had an amazing guest, but before we get to her, I just want you to know, go to free gift from jonathan.com and learn how you can receive a free copy of the...
$100 FREE Student Leadership Success Challenge
Click here to ACCEPT/JOIN the Challenge
Jonathan Medina Top #1 Youth Speaker (00:15): Leadership, leadership, leadership, success, success, success time. My name is Jonathan Medina. I'm America's number one, youth motivator. I'm your teacher. I'm your coach. I'm your friend and I'm your teammate. And today we have an awesome, awesome guest. Today. We have Jocelyn. She is...
Join the Student Leadership Success Challenge
World's #1 Student Leadership Success Challenge
Jonathan Medina "America's #1 Youth Motivator" (00:15): Leadership, leadership, leadership, success, success, success. Hi, my name is Jonathan Medina. I'm America's number one, youth motivator. I'm your teacher. I'm your coach. I'm your friend and I'm your teammate. And today we have an amazing guest. Our guest...
$100 FREE Student Leadership Success Challenge
Click here to ACCEPT/JOIN the Challenge
Jonathan Medina "America's #1 Youth Motivator" Leadership, leadership, leadership, success, success, success. Hi, my name is Jonathan Medina. I'm America's number one, youth motivator. I'm your teacher. I'm your coach. I'm your friend and I'm your teammate. And today we're talking about leadership and success. We have an awesome...
WINNERS MINDSET = growth mindset + resourcefulness+ Ganas
We did it! Student Leadership Playbook #1 on Amazon
#1 New Best Seller. #4 in youth books. #24 MOTIVATION all ages. #29 youth friendships
I walked into my college advisors office at my very first student leadership camp. She asked me what college I was going to apply to. I gave her a list of 5-7 of the most prestigious schools in the country.
She took a look and told me that she thinks that I have a very good chance of getting in...
Today is Election Day! I have already voted. Because I work with students, educators, and parents that may support both candidates, I have created a list of my top quotes from both candidates.
Working with Top Student Leadership Students from all across the country at conferences and conventions, I have noticed that students LOVE quotes.
A very easy with students leaders and with other students that they will enjoy is to make a top list of quotes. This project is a little more...
Do you remember your first college visit? Do you want to take your student or child on a college tour but are stuck at home?
I will never forget my first college visit. No one in my family had ever earned a college degree. I was raised thru high school by my grandfather that had only completed 3rd grade. Never had I set foot on a college campus.
I was lucky enough to be part of an organization called GEAR UP. I was in 7th grade and I remember stepping on the bus. Our advisor for...
Warning: Some words would be considered explicit in the song.
Click here to listen to watch the Video of opening scene.
I have been listening non stop to the soundtrack from the hit musical on Disney+. I listen while getting ready in the morning, working out, reading, and while I have been working on my new book.
Perhaps because I have been working on the new book, I keep listening to the opening song and thinking how many students that come from backgrounds do still continue to...
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