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Top School Speakers Jonathan Medina
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Jonathan Medina "As a leader you should BE, DO, and THINK. As a Leader you must EMBODY Leadership"
I love the level of importance Tom Brady puts on Embodying being a leader.
Tom Brady "When you're one of the leaders of the team, there are no days off."
He says you must BE every single day. As a student leader you must realize that you have great influence. Those that are looking up to you are watching you. Some want to be just like you. Sometimes that can feel like a lot of...
I recently did a survey on Facebook. I asked my Facebook friends: What is the hardest thing about working with kids these days? I knew that many of my friends are student leadership advisors, sponsors, parents, educators, teachers, aunts, uncles, coaches.
The #1 response was “ATTITUDE”
In high school i was captain of a highly successful basketball team. We went 3 rounds into the playoffs each year and were usually ranked top 3 in the area out of over 100...
Jonathan Medina “Winners never lose because they have a Winner’s Mindset”
After one of my school assemblies a student came up to me and asked me, "Can I still go to college even if I failed one of my exams?" She was only in middle school. Of course she could overcome one failed exam in middle school, but she did make me think about how winners have a different mindset than losers. Harsh words maybe, but there is a big difference between the way people THINK.
Jonathan Medina "What size Dream do you have? DREAM BIG"
As I travel the country speaking at schools as a top youth speaker to motivate students, many students ask to take selfies or the are connecting with me on instagram @jmedinaspeaks. While taking the photos or reading comments I always ask students what they want to be when they grow up. Many students look me in the eye or the message me on instragram and say they don’t know what they want to be when they...
I am still in shock from the devastating news as a sports fan. Kobe passed away in a tragic helicopter crash this past weekend. Kobe, 1 of his daughters, and 7 others passed away in the fatal helicopter accident. I remember many moments watching him dominate games against my team (San Antonio Spurs). Kobe is of course one of the Top 10 players ever.
I wanted to take some time to share some favorite quotes from Kobe Bryant that can help us become better Leaders.